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not (pageUrl eq null and supportPageUrl eq null) and attributes/any(a: a eq 'Product_Portfolio|Jabra') and (attributes/all(a: a ne 'Meta_Refurbished|True') or attributes/any(a: a eq 'Meta_Accessorytype|17'))

Engage AI

Analyze. Empathize. Optimize.


Engage AI has already helped a range of customers – both inbound and outbound operations and across industries – to revolutionize the way they measure customer satisfaction.

Our customers have seen

Reduced average talk time by more than 27%*.
Improved conversion rates by 31%.
Increases motivation for 74% of agents**.

*Average impact for agents when delivering their best tone

**Engage AI customer survey targeted agents and supervisors.

Based on data from Engage AI customers with A/B testing of agents. Samples of agents with outbound tasks (conversion rate) and inbound tasks (AHT).

Download the case study paper here

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It all starts with the most important impact – more engaged agents with a better tone. Because more engaged agents means:

  • 20% pts improvement in customer satisfaction contributing to higher outbound sales
  • 59% of agents say Engage AI helps them to focus, leading to shorter, more effective calls
  • 79% of agents say Engage AI helps them to improve their tone and 74% say it increases their motivation

Moreover, Engage AI makes supervisors more effective in their coaching and support leading to

  • 86% of supervisors feel more connected with their agents using Engage AI
  • 57% of supervisors think Engage AI helps with faster onboarding
  • 57% of supervisors think Engage AI supports them in their role, and makes finding coachable moments and calls easier

Do you want to learn more about our impact? Get in touch below.

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Søk om et gratis testprodukt

Vi tilbyr gratis testprodukt for selskaper med over 500+ ansatte, som skifter ut sine nåværende produkter eller som har et nytt prosjekt. Betingelser og vilkår gjelder.

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Live chat | 1-800-826-4656 | 08:00 - 17:00 (EST)

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Besøk vår side for brukerstøtte for produktstøtte og garantirelaterte spørsmål, brukerhåndbøker, videoer, og mer.

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