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not (pageUrl eq null and supportPageUrl eq null) and attributes/any(a: a eq 'Product_Portfolio|Jabra') and (attributes/all(a: a ne 'Meta_Refurbished|True') or attributes/any(a: a eq 'Meta_Accessorytype|17'))

Engage AI

Analyze. Empathize. Optimize.

Why tone?

Your tone is one of the best customer service tools you have in your toolbox – customers won’t remember the exact words you used, but they’ll remember that you sounded friendly and engaged, and that you empathized with their situation and did everything you could to help. How do they get that impression? Your tone.

Research shows that tone is the most effective predictor of emotion, such as sentiment, engagement levels, and wellbeing. It’s far more impactful than what’s actually being said, and perhaps even more surprisingly, more informative than body language (read more here).

With a friendly and consistent tone, you’ll have happier customers. (read more here) People who train their vocal delivery over time will enjoy more effective communications.”

The best thing about tone is that it knows no borders. An angry person still sounds angry in Mandarin, Spanish, and Danish. Engage AI is designed and tested to work effectively for many types of speakers, providing more reliable analytics and fairer results. Deployment is simplified for contact centers, especially those that handle multiple languages.

And finally, tone has simplified privacy considerations compared to speech-to-text. Tone is analyzed on the PC of the agents, meaning that no sensitive audio or text data will be streamed to the cloud.

Would you like to learn more about the power of tone? Get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.

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Vi tilbyr gratis testprodukt for selskaper med over 500+ ansatte, som skifter ut sine nåværende produkter eller som har et nytt prosjekt. Betingelser og vilkår gjelder.

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Live chat | 1-800-826-4656 | 08:00 - 17:00 (EST)

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